
Så här ser fördelningen ut i samtliga portföljer för tillfället.




För er som vill följa mig närmre i mina affärer så går det att följa mina portföljer på Nordnets Shareville, där jag heter ninjakissN.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for sharing your portfolio holdings with us. Of all the stocks mentioned I am familiar with only a few. I guess that's the benefit of learning about other portfolios from around the world. You are introduced to new companies.

    1. Yes absolutely! I myself are really looking into investing more in the american stock market. I try to read as many american "dividend-blogs" as I possibly can. With a dividend four times a year I look forward to adding companies like Coca-Cola, McDonalds and P&G to my portfolio. Do you have any advice to give me as a newcomer to the american stock market ? :)

  2. Well foremost I would say do not chase yield. Too many DGI bloggers like the high yielding REITs or MLPs because they pay a lot in dividends but many times they are not as stable. I'm not against REITs or MLPs as I have a few on my watchlist http://divhut.com/watchlist/ I would just be careful not to get too heavy in that space. You can see what I own in my portfolio http://divhut.com/portfolio/ Some say I have a very conservative portfolio relative to others but I sleep well at night. Please email or comment on my blog if you have other questions.

  3. Svar
    1. Tack tack! Såg dock att bilden är ouppdaterad och ARCP har åkt ut och Nordea har åkt in:) önskar dock att jag bodde i USA då jag har en färkärlek till deras blue chip företag :D
